Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sweet Saturday: What a Great Week!

WHEW! What a week! I'm sorry I've been very absent this week, but it has been crazy a VERY good way! First I had a wonderful visit with a goldsmith friend and her mom on Monday where we talked jewelry and ate fresh baked goodies from my oven (vanilla cupcakes with chocolate fudge frosting). She lent me a bunch of books to read (see above).
Then Tuesday I had my last gluten free cooking class of the year - a GIANT gluten free baking exchange with over 15 people and 15 different recipes. It was a HUGE success and an absolute ton of fun!
Wednesday was recovery, but I baked some gluten free and dairy free sugar cookies, and Thursday I baked some gluten free gingersnaps and put up the tree. I am trying to get my baking done by the end of the weekend so that I can give my baking gift baskets out early this year.
Yesterday I had my good friend Louise from Fireseed over. We ate fresh baked shortbread and exchanged some goodies: I finally got to buy her little Viking Monkee, Thor (isn't he DARLING??), and then she gave me these beautiful blue beads to play with! Louise is currently making reproductions of ancient beads and is doing a tremendous job of it! These were inspired by a necklace from the 2nd cen. BC to the 4th cen AD. Isn't that cool? I have MANY ideas for these beads!
Last night I started on a new project - Viking Knit! This is done with VERY fine wire and is actually WAY easier than I had been led to believe. I am going to make this for my little Thor to rest on. If I am fortunate enough, I'll make a necklace of this to rest him on. Stay tuned and I'll keep you updated (promise!).

That's all for now, I did put up my tree, and I'll post that later on.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like a busy but very fun week! What can be better than baking and beading? Hugs to Arwen!

  2. I had a great time too Meghann, thank you so much for my goodies :oD
    I'm looking forward to seeing where the Viking knit takes you!

  3. Thank you! I'm excited too - learning something new is always an exciting process, don't you think?



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